Ambassadors Come Together To Celebrate International Geodiversity Day
Poland Releases "Tales of Time" Video for Geodiversity Day
Bringing Geodiversity To The Centre Stage
A Shared Lesson Plan for International Geodiversity Day
Celebrating International Geodiversity Day in Brno, Czechia
6 ottobre 2022: I Giornata Internazionale della Geodiversità
ENGIE International Conference – 6 October 2022
Art-Arboretum´s "Towards the Granit" science & art exhibition
Celebrating International Geodiversity Day: What Will You Organize?
Cuilcagh Lakelands UNESCO Global Geopark to host 'Rock Detectives' for #GeodiversityDay 2022
#GeodiversityDay Exhibition Opens at UNESCO, Paris
Geodiversity: the often-forgotten half of nature
Geodiversity Workshop 3 Celebrating the International Geodiversity Day: Geodiversity of Europe
UNESCO Approves International Geodiversity Day
World Comes Together for Promoting Geodiversity Workshop
IGD Approved by UNESCO Executive Board
UNESCO EB Preparatory Board Recommend IGD for Acceptance
International Geodiversity Day on the UNESCO Executive Board Agenda